When the org is in the doldrums they look around to see where they can make up for some the numbers of those they have lost. One possible way is to revive the POMIs who still believe the JW story but who don't attend meetings.
Good old Silvio from Ecuador, a fantastic experience for the blinkered true believers. In real life it is quite probable that he is an unstable, uneducated hopeless individual who needs religion just to stagger through the day. Probably he'll leave the org again in a few months -- but praying when the elders call, sounds just fabulous on the pages of the Watchtower. However as a weak JW, he was already on the elder's radar, so it's not too surprising.
If the organisation is so favoured by God and this is an example angelic direction, then how come there were paedophiles and homosexuals in the governing body? etc etc?